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Kit 1: 1500-2500 Square Feet

Protect your property with the Kit 1 Wildfire Protection System, specifically designed for structures between 1500 and 2500 sq-ft. This comprehensive kit is your first line of defense against wildfire threats, ensuring peace of mind and robust fire suppression capabilities.

Kit 2: 2500-4500 Square Feet

Elevate your wildfire defense with the Kit 2 Wildfire Protection System, tailored for structures between 2500 and 4500 sq-ft. This enhanced system delivers advanced protection, comprehensive monitoring, and peace of mind for property owners in wildfire-prone areas.

Kit 3: 4500-6500 Square Feet

Protect your larger property with the Kit 3 Wildfire Protection System, designed for structures between 4500 and 6500 sq-ft. This system delivers premium wildfire defense with cutting-edge technology and extensive coverage.

Kit 4: 6500-8500 Square Feet

Defend your large property with the Kit 4 Wildfire Protection System, designed for structures ranging from 6500 to 8500 sq-ft. This advanced system combines powerful components and expansive coverage to ensure unmatched wildfire protection.

Kit 5: 8500+ Square Feet

Hotshot Fire Protection Systems offers Kit 5, a fully custom wildfire prevention solution designed to meet the specific needs of properties larger than 8500 sq-ft. Whether you own a commercial building, industrial facility, vineyard, farm, or large development, Kit 5 ensures optimal protection tailored to your unique requirements.